DebugIsEnabled()) { echo "

Base URL: " .$baseUrl. "

"; echo "

Images Base URL: " . $imagesUrl . "

"; if (isset($platformVersion) && ($platformVersion != '')) { echo "

Platform version: " . $platformVersion . "

"; } } } function GetListingRow($zencartProvider, $listingRowFromDb, $availability, $productDecription,$originalPrice, $finalPrice, $baseUrl, $reftracking, $catList, $siteImagesUrl, $shippingPrice) { // 8 - products_name // 14 - brand // 0 - products_id // 17 - codprod // 2 - products_image $listingRow; if($this->DebugIsEnabled()) { $listingRow = "" . $this->FixEncodingToUTF8($listingRowFromDb[8]) . "" . $listingRowFromDb[14] . "" . "N/A" . "" . $this->FixEncodingToUTF8($productDecription) . "" . round($originalPrice,2) . "" . round($finalPrice,2) . "" . $listingRowFromDb[0] . "" . $baseUrl."index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=".$listingRowFromDb[0].$reftracking . "" . $availability . "" . $this->FixEncodingToUTF8($catList) . "" . $siteImagesUrl .$listingRowFromDb[2] . "" . $shippingPrice . "" . $listingRowFromDb[16] .""; } else { $statement = $zencartProvider->pdoProvider->query("SELECT uri FROM ceon_uri_mappings WHERE main_page='product_info' AND current_uri=1 AND associated_db_id=".$listingRowFromDb[0], PDO::FETCH_BOTH); if ($row = $statement->fetch()){ $link=$baseUrl. substr($row[0],1); }else{ $link=$baseUrl. "index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=" .$listingRowFromDb[0]. $reftracking; } $listingRow = $this->FixEncodingToUTF8($listingRowFromDb[8]) ."|". $listingRowFromDb[14] ."|". "N/A" . "|" . $this->FixEncodingToUTF8($productDecription) ."|". round($originalPrice,2) . "|" . round($finalPrice,2) ."|". $listingRowFromDb[0] ."|". $link ."|". $availability ."|". $this->FixEncodingToUTF8($catList) ."|". $siteImagesUrl .$listingRowFromDb[2] ."|". $shippingPrice . "|" . $listingRowFromDb[16] . " "; } return $listingRow; } function GetSqlListingQueryString($productsTable, $specialsTable, $manufacturerTable, $productsDescriptionTable, $productToCategoriesTable, $categoriesTable, $categoriesDescriptionTable, $languageId) { return StringFunctions::Format($this->queryListingStringFormat, $productsTable, $specialsTable, $manufacturerTable, $productsDescriptionTable, $productToCategoriesTable, $categoriesTable, $categoriesDescriptionTable, $languageId); } /****************************************************** * * * @description: Print data related to language * * * *******************************************************/ public function PrintLanguageRow($languageRow) { echo "" . $languageRow[0] . "" . $languageRow[1] . "" . "N/A" . "" . $languageRow[2] . ""; } /******************************************************* * * * @description: Print Categories Tree starting * * from a category Id * * * *******************************************************/ function GetCategoryTreeString($categoriesTree, $categoryId) { if(!isset($categoriesTree[$categoryId])) { return 'No category with id ' . $categoryId; } $categories = array(); $parentId = $categoryId; // search towards higher level do { if(!isset($categoriesTree[$parentId])) { break; } $currentCategory = $categoriesTree[$parentId]; foreach ($currentCategory as $key => $value) { array_push($categories, strtolower($key)); $parentId = $value; } } while ($parentId >= 1); return count($categories) == 0 ? strtolower($categoriesTree[0]) : implode(';', array_reverse($categories)); } /****************************************************** * * * @description: Print Complete Categories Tree * * * *******************************************************/ function PrintCategoriesTree($categoriesTree) { if ($this->DebugIsEnabled()) { echo "

"; if ((!isset($categoriesTree)|| (sizeof($categoriesTree) == 0))) { echo ""; echo "
No category available
"; return; } echo "Categories Tree"; foreach ($categoriesTree as $key) { while (list($key , $value) = each($categoriesTree)) { $outputString =""; echo "Category id " . $key . " - " . key($value); if (current($value) != 0) { $outputString = " ==> Parents: " . $this->GetCategoryTreeString($categoriesTree, current($value)); echo $outputString . ""; } } } echo "

"; } } /****************************************************** * * * @description: Print Details for installed * * Shipping methods * * * *******************************************************/ function PrintInstalledShippingDetails($shippingdetails) { if ($this->DebugIsEnabled()) { echo "

Installed Shipping details : "; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; foreach($shippingdetails as $method) { echo ""; echo ""; if (isset($method["cost"])) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } if (isset($method["status"])) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } if (isset($method["handling"])) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } if (isset($method["tax_class"])) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } echo ""; echo "
Type Cost Status Handling Fee Tax class
" . $method["type"] . " " . $method["cost"] . " Not available " . $method["status"] . " Not available " . $method["handling"] . " Not available "; if ($method["tax_class"] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo $method["tax_class"]; } echo " Not available
"; echo "

"; } } } ?>